Last updated: August 1, 2015
I will read or have read the By-Laws and Policy Statements of the Temple Riders Association which are found on the TRA website. I will uphold the principles and ideals set forth therein. I further agree to only operate a motorcycle or any other vehicle at an event associated with the Temple Riders Association with a current and valid motorcycle license or regular driver�s license (if other than a motorcycle) and with current insurance coverage on that motorcycle or vehicle. With the acceptance of membership in the Temple Riders Association and/or through participation in any manner with this organization, I agree to hold harmless the TRA organization, any sponsor(s) of the TRA or of any event, any member(s) or officer(s), and not liable for my personal safety, the safety of any guest, or the safety of any property in my possession or under my control. I agree to participate in any and all activities on a completely voluntary basis and assume all liability.
"Any person who takes part in any TRA Ride or Activity or any Ride or Activity planned by sponsored by or supported by any TRA Member, shall accept the full responsibility and liability for their own actions, their own person and their own property, and shall hold harmless the TRA, its Officers, and its Members in the event of any injury or accident. Acceptance of membership in the TRA or participation in any TRA event is evidence of acceptance of these TRA Terms & Conditions, and all Members of the TRA are urged to explain these TRA Terms & Conditions to their friends and/or guests who may, from time to time, participate in any TRA Ride or Activity."